Vävstuga immersion program, weaving

Weaving a Sunset

Our first few weeks of class (see more here, here, and here), we got the chance to look at a bunch of different woven items, and I started thinking about what types of designs I really liked. One thing I noticed was that I really like gradations of color. I had the thought that it would be really beautiful to take that idea and apply it to the colors of a sunset.

I kept that idea in the back of my mind until the right project came along. When we started designing for our tow linen tablecloths, I thought that it was the perfect project. As for our blankets, we used paint to play around with designs. For the tablecloths, we actually painted the “warp”, let it dry, then diluted the paint and painted the “weft”. This technique actually gives you a pretty good idea of how it will look once woven.

My final design and the runner-up.

Even though I was pretty sure that I wanted to do my almost gamp-like design, I tried out a whole bunch of designs. In the end, though, I did go with my original idea, but who knows, I may use some of the other designs in the future.

Eva tying-on.

One fun thing about this warp was just how pretty it was! It just made me happy to work with it. This project went quite quickly as another student wove her tablecloth in my design, so we shared the set-up. It was also woven in plain weave, so the weaving was pretty easy. I did take a little timelapse video, so you can see the weaving in progress.

So much lint!

I’m very happy with how it turned out, and this tablecloth will never fail to make me smile.

Sometimes weird things just happen during photoshoots at weaving school…

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