Vävstuga immersion program, weaving

Smålandsväv: A Two Harness Weave

This is another interesting project that I did while studying at the Vävstuga Immersion Program. My first post about my experience is here. Smålandsväv (which is called skillbragd in Norway) is particularly interesting because it is done with two harnesses. Sometimes individual shafts are called harnesses, but in this case, the harnesses are two different… Read More Smålandsväv: A Two Harness Weave

Vävstuga immersion program, weaving

Rep Rug

This was one of the first “extra” projects we got to do after finishing the core set of projects at the Vävstuga Immersion Program (see here for my first blog post on this program). From the very first time we saw a sample of a rep rug, we all wanted to make one. I’m so… Read More Rep Rug